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Java and Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix


Cloudant is a stellar NoSQL DBaaS (Database as a Service) that allows developers to not worry about their database infrastructure. If you’ve never used Cloudant or a cloud database offering before, this is where you should get started. Within the large catalog of services we provide with Bluemix, Cloudant shines as one of the simplest databases to create and use.  In this sample, we will quickly create a web application that talks to Cloudant using the “ektorp” client jar for Java and then push it to Bluemix.  We will create this web application using a Maven project in Eclipse.  I’ve chosen Maven because it is the easiest way to retrieve the dependencies we need — the “ektorp” client jars.

When pushing your application to ‘Liberty for Bluemix’ with the Cloudant service bound to it, we make the service easier to consume with a process we call “auto-configuration”.  Basically, we add configuration elements to the “server.xml” of the Liberty server running your application.  This aspect of Bluemix is key for making the application development process as stream-lined as possible.  You can read more about what exactly the auto-config for Cloudant does here: Cloudant Docs on Bluemix



  1. Open Eclipse and create a new Maven projectCapture Java and Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix
    • File > New > (Other) > Maven Project
    • Check “Create a simple project (skip archetype selection)” > Next
    • Set the following values
      • Group ID: com.blog
      • Artifact ID: sample
      • Version: 1
      • Packaging: war
    • Leave everything else as-is and Click Finish
  2. Ensure that the projected is faceted properlyCapture2 Java and Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix
    • Right Click your project > Properties > Project Facets
    • Check Dynamic Web Module
    • Change Java version to 1.6 or 1.7 (you may need to change the JRE of your project to match this)
    • Click Finish
  3. Copy dependencies into pom.xml in the <project> stanza



    Note: The “provided” tag means that the container/runtime (in our case, Liberty) will provide these dependencies for your application.  This means that Eclipse does not package them in your application’s WEB-INF directory.  When pushing your WAR to Bluemix, you should not include the ektorp dependencies in your WEB-INF/lib directory or you will run into classloading issues.

    Save the file

  4. Generate the web.xml which will be used for servlet-mappingGeneration Java and Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix
    • Right click project > Java EE Tools > Generate Deployment Descriptor Stub (may be grayed out if the web.xml already exists)
  5. Create a servlet
    • Right click Project > New > (Other) > Web > Servlet
    • Ensure source folder is sample\src\main\java
    • Java package: com.out
    • Class name: SimpleServlet
    • Click Finish
  6. Ensure servlet mapping is in the web.xml (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
  7. Add the following code snippets to your servlet — src/main/java/com/out/SimpleServlet.java (replace doGet method):
    import javax.annotation.Resource;
    import org.ektorp.CouchDbConnector;
    import org.ektorp.CouchDbInstance;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.UUID;

        @Resource(name = "couchdb/cloudant-sample")
        protected CouchDbInstance _db;
        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
            String dbname = "my_database";
            try {
                //creates a database with the specified name
                CouchDbConnector dbc = _db.createConnector(dbname, true);
                response.getWriter().println("Created database: " + dbname);
                //create a simple doc to place into your new database
                Map<String, Object> doc = new  HashMap<String, Object>();
                doc.put("_id",  UUID.randomUUID().toString());
                doc.put("season", "summer");
                doc.put("climate", "arid");
                response.getWriter().println("Added a simple doc!");
            } catch (Exception e) {

    Note: If you still have import issues, ensure your pom.xml is configured correctly and that your project’s Java facet is on 1.6 or 1.7

  8. Right click project > Export > Web > WAR file
  9. Push your WAR file to Bluemix (First time? Learn here).
    The following command creates your application but doesn’t start it (we don’t want to start it until we bind our Cloudant service)
    cf push <some_unique_app_name> -m 512M -p <path_to_your_war_file> --no-start
  10. Create and bind a Cloudant service using CLI or ACEThe service must be named “cloudant-sample“.
    Note: The name of the service determines the name of the db connector resource in the namespace.  Since we named it cloudant-sample, the resource will be under the namespace “couchdb/cloudant-sample”.  All Cloudant db connector resources have the prefix “couchdb/”.  The @Resource annotation we used in the servlet complies with this.
    Cloudant Service Java and Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix
    Cloudant Java and Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix
  11. Repush. You must repush for the environment variable changes to take effect.
    Note: If you are using ACE, there may be a pop-up asking if you want to restart your application. This is insufficient — you still need to push your application using CF.

    cf push <some_unique_app_name> -m 512M -p <path_to_your_war_file>
  12. Access your application and append “/SimpleServlet” to the end of the URL.  You should see a message telling you that the database has been created.  For example, if my application is at myCoolApp.mybluemix.net, I would need to hit myCoolApp.mybluemix.net/SimpleServlet.
  13. Go to ACE and click your service — “cloudant-sample”.  Then, launch your Cloudant dashboard using the “Launch” button.  You’ll see your database “my_database” in the dashboard!
    Cloudant sample Java and Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix

The post Java and Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix appeared first on BlueMix

The post Java and Cloudant NoSQL DB on Bluemix appeared first on Platform as a Service Magazine.

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